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Social Impact

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  • Clothes swaps promote the reuse and recycling of clothing

  • Clothes swaps help prevent clothing from ending up in landfills by providing an alternative avenue for unwanted garments.

  • By participating in swaps, individuals can actively support the movement toward ethical and sustainable production practices.

  • Responsible information and awareness-raising: Clothes swaps serve as platforms for educating participants about the importance of responsible consumption, the environmental impact of the fashion industry, and the benefits of adopting more sustainable fashion choices.

  • By encouraging the reuse and exchange of clothing, our clothes swap meets contribute to reducing resource consumption, waste generation, and environmental pollution associated with the fashion industry. They also foster a more conscious and responsible approach to consumption, aligning with the principles of SDG 12.

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We found a way through sustainable fashion, accountability, transparency, advocacy and education that we can contribute to the betterment of our earth.

The core of 25SW4P swap meets is our community. Our swap meets not only provide a soft landing for those new to sustainability and want to kickstart their journey, but also raise awareness around the social and environmental impacts that the textile and fashion industry has on our land, with a geographical focus on the African continent. Our swap meets have interactive sessions where the swappers play games, and activities and have thought-provoking discussions. Together, as a community, we talk about the current policies surrounding textiles and fashion, second-hand clothes, and landfills, as well as come up with practical and relatable solutions.

Our swappers leave our space with more knowledge, tools and information as far as sustainability within fashion is concerned. We welcome people from all walks of life, it is a safe space for everyone to network and learn from each other.

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